
Developer Guide


We would like to acknowledge Splitwise for the inspiration for the project. The Splitwise application is a popular expense-sharing application that allows users to split bills and expenses with friends, family, and roommates. We have adapted the core features of Splitwise to create a simplified version of the application for our project. We would also like to acknowledge Shao Liang for the inspiration of the project’s name.



The high-level overview of the application is provided in the Architecture Diagram below.

Users interact with the application through the Command Line Interface. Application Storage is located in /data/groups/ and each Group object is stored in its own .txt file after program’s runtime.



Below is a Class Diagram for the Balance Feature:

Balance Structure

Group Storage

The Group Storage feature allows users to save group information to files when exiting groups or ending the program. It also enables users to load group information from files when entering groups. This feature ensures that changes made to a group are persisted across sessions and that users can resume their interactions with groups seamlessly.

Below is the class diagram for the Group Storage feature:

Class Diagram

The Group Storage feature:

The implementation of the Group Storage feature is covered in the next section.


The Expenses feature allows users to add and delete expenses. It does this through an intermediate ExpenseCommand class which handles Parser input and calls the Expense constructor to create a new expense.

Below is the class diagram for Expense feature:


The Expense feature:

The implementation of Expense is covered in the next section.


Help menu feature


The “help” feature is facilitated by the Help class. It provides a static method printHelp to print out a guide on how to use the commands in the application. printHelp can be used in the event the user issues an invalid command

Group Creation feature


The “Group Creation” feature is facilitated by the Group class. It provides methods to create a new group and manage group membership. The implementation of this feature is as follows:

The Group class maintains a list of members as a private List<User> field called members.

The createGroup(String groupName) method is responsible for creating a new group. It performs the following steps:

  1. Checks if a group with the given groupName already exists using the isGroup(String groupName) method.
  2. If the group does not exist, creates a new Group object with the provided groupName.
  3. Prints a success message indicating that the group has been created.
  4. Adds the new Group object to the groups list.
  5. Returns the newly created Group object.
  6. If the group already exists, prints an error message indicating that the group already exists.

Add Member to Group feature


The “Add Member to Group” feature is facilitated by the Group class. It extends the Group class with methods to manage group membership and allows users to add new members to an existing group. Additionally, it implements the following operations:

These operations are exposed in the GroupCommand class as GroupCommand#addMember(String memberName).

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the “Add Member to Group” feature behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application and enters a group named “Project Team” using the group Project Team command. The Group object for “Project Team” will be initialized with an empty members list.

Step 2. The user executes the member John command to add a new member named “John” to the “Project Team” group. The member command calls GroupCommand#addMember("John"), which in turn calls Group#addMember("John"). This operation checks if “John” is already a member of the group using Group#isMember("John"). Since “John” is not a member, a new User object with the name “John” is created and added to the members list of the “Project Team” group.

Sequence Diagram

Step 3. The user executes the member Emily command to add another member named “Emily” to the “Project Team” group. Similar to step 2, the member command calls GroupCommand#addMember("Emily"), which then calls Group#addMember("Emily"). After checking that “Emily” is not already a member, a new User object with the name “Emily” is created and added to the members list of the “Project Team” group.

Step 4. The user tries to add “John” again to the “Project Team” group by executing the member John command. However, since “John” is already a member of the group, the Group#isMember("John") check in Group#addMember("John") returns true. As a result, an error message is displayed to the user, indicating that “John” is already a member of the group, and no duplicate member is added.

Sequence Diagram

The following sequence diagram illustrates the flow of the “Add Member to Group” feature:

Sequence Diagram

Expenses feature


The Expenses feature is facilitated through the Expense class and ExpenseCommand class. It allows users to add a new Expense through creation of a new Expense object. Users can specify amount paid, the payee, and the members of the group involved in the transaction.

It implements the following operations:

Additionally, it implements the following:

These operations are exposed in the Expense class through the getPayerName(), getTotalAmount(), getPayees(), and getCurrency() functions respectively.

The following sequence diagrams show the process of adding an equal split and unequal split expense:

Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram

Balance feature


The Balance feature is facilitated through the Balance class. It allows a user to view a printed list of other users in the Group, and the amount that is owed by/to each user.

Each Balance object contains a String of a user userName, and a Map balanceList. This Map uses String of other users’ usernames as Key, and a list of Money objects owed by/to the user.

To print a user’s Balance List, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a Balance object with the params String userName and the current Group group.
  2. From the members and expenseList List items in group, the Map balanceList is populated.
  3. Call method printBalance() to print the contents of the Map balanceList.

Below is the Sequence Diagram for the Balance Feature:

Sequence Diagram

Settle feature


The Settle feature is facilitated through the Settle class. It allows a user to settle the debts between two users in a Group.

The Settle class contains a settleDebt(String userName1, String userName2) method. This method takes in two Strings userName1 and userName2 as parameters, representing the two users to settle the debt between.

The method then prints out the amount that is owed by userName1 to userName2, and the amount that is owed by userName2 to userName1. It then prints out the total amount that is owed between the two users, and prompts the user to enter the amount to settle the debt.

The method then prints out the amount that is owed by userName1 to userName2, and the amount that is owed by userName2 to userName1 after the settlement.

Sequence Diagram

Group Storage feature


The “Group Storage” feature is facilitated by the GroupStorage class. It extends the functionality of the Group class by providing methods to save and load group information to and from files. The GroupStorage class interacts with the FileIO interface for file input/output operations. Additionally, it implements the following key operations:

These operations are invoked from the Group class when the user performs specific actions related to groups.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the “Group Storage” feature behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application and tries to create a group named “Project Team” using the create Project Team command. The Group#getOrCreateGroup(String groupName) method is called to retrieve or create the group.

Step 2. Inside the Group#getOrCreateGroup(String groupName) method, it checks if the group already exists in memory. If not, it uses the GroupNameChecker class to check if the group file exists. If the group file doesn’t exist, a new Group object is created, and the user is placed in the newly created group.

Step 3. The user executes various commands to add members and expenses to the “Project Team” group. These changes are made to the Group object in memory.

Step 4. The user executes the exit Project Team command to exit the “Project Team” group. This command invokes the Group#exitGroup(String groupName) method, which in turn calls the GroupStorage#saveGroupToFile(Group group) method to save the current state of the “Project Team” group to a file. The saving process includes writing the group name, members, and expenses to the file in a structured format.

Sequence Diagram

Step 5. Later, the user decides to enter the “Project Team” group again using the enter Project Team command. The Group#enterGroup(String groupName) method is called to enter the group.

Step 6. Inside the Group#enterGroup(String groupName) method, it first checks if the group exists in memory. If not, it uses the GroupNameChecker class to check if the group file exists. If the group file exists, it invokes the GroupStorage#loadGroupFromFile(String groupName) method to load the group information from the file.

Sequence Diagram

The GroupStorage#loadGroupFromFile(String groupName) method reads the group information from the file, creates a new Group object, and populates it with the loaded data. This includes the group name, members, and expenses. The loaded Group object is then returned to the Group class.

Step 7. The user continues to interact with the “Project Team” group, making changes to its members and expenses. These changes are made to the loaded Group object in memory.

Step 8. When the user ends the program using the bye command, the GroupStorage#saveGroupToFile(Group group) method is invoked again to save the current state of all loaded groups to their respective files. This ensures that any changes made during the session are persisted.

Design Considerations:

Luck feature


The Luck features offers users the unique opportunity to clear their debts by playing with a slot machine. User enters the command luck in the parser to enter the slot machine game. Parser checks whether the user is in a group and also whether the said group has more than one user. To win in the slot machine, all three slots in the MIDDLE row must show the same character The user can either key in /reroll or /exit to either roll the slot machine or leave the game. For every new /reroll, an additional Expense of 10USD would be created and allocated to a random member in the group For a win, the user clears all his debts within the group.

Following structural diagram shows the dependency of Luck class

Luck Structure

Following sequence diagram shows user calls startGambling() within Luck class and a new SlotMachine class is instantiated For every reroll, fillSlots() is called which fills individual slots in the 3 x 3 slot machine with a randomised character

Sequence Diagram

Product scope

Target user profile

Our target users are people who share expenses with friends, family, roommates, or colleagues.

The application gives an accurate and simple way to represent unsettled debts between users and their friends

Value proposition

Our application provides a simple and efficient way for users to manage shared expenses with friends, family, or colleagues. It allows users to create groups, add members to groups, and split expenses accurately among group members. The application helps users keep track of their debts and settle them easily. By automating the process of splitting expenses and tracking debts, the application saves users time and effort, making it a valuable tool for managing shared expenses. Users that are able to type fast and are familiar with the command line interface will find this application useful.

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 new user see usage instructions refer to them when I forget how to use the application
v1.0 user add a new expense with description, amount, and users involved split the expense equally
v1.0 user create a new group split expenses with different groups
v1.0 user add a new member to a group split expenses with different members in the group
v1.0 user check how much I owe each member in the group keep track of my debts
v2.0 user settle debts between two users in the group clear debts between users
v2.0 user save group information to files when exiting groups or ending the program resume interactions with groups seamlessly
v2.0 user load group information from files when entering groups resume interactions with groups seamlessly
v2.1 user add expenses in different currencies split expenses accurately in different currencies

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance: The application should respond to user commands within a reasonable time frame, even when handling large amounts of data.
  2. Reliability: The application should be robust and handle errors gracefully, providing informative error messages to users.
  3. Usability: The application should have a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and understand.
  4. Portability: The application should be platform-independent and run on different operating systems without requirements for additional software.


Instructions for manual testing

{Give instructions on how to do a manual product testing e.g., how to load sample data to be used for testing}

Important note: The provided test cases are independent of each other and can be run in any order. Test cases that require multiple steps are clearly outlined with the expected outcomes at each step. All test cases are designed to be run on a clean slate, i.e., without any existing groups or expenses in the system.

Test Case: Help Menu

  1. Run the application.
  2. Enter the help command.
  3. Verify that the help menu is displayed with a list of available commands and their descriptions.

Expected outcome: The help menu is displayed with a list of available commands and their descriptions as shown below:

Welcome, here is a list of commands:
help: Access help menu.
create <name>: Create a group.
exit <name>: Exit current group.
member <name> : Add a member to the group.
expense <description> /amount <amount> /currency <currency> /paid <paid_by> /user <user_1> /user <user_2> ...: Add an expense SPLIT EQUALLY.
expense <description> /unequal /amount <amount> /currency <currency> /paid <paid_by> /user <user_1> <amount_owed> /user <user_2> <amount owed> ...: Add an expense SPLIT UNEQUALLY.
list: List all expenses in the group.
balance <user_name>: Show user's balance.
settle <payer_name> /user <payee_name>: Settle the amount between two users.
luck <payer_name>: luck is in the air tonight

Test Case: Group Creation

  1. Run the application.
  2. Enter the create Project Team command.
  3. Verify that a new group named “Project Team” is created successfully.

Expected outcome: A success message is displayed indicating that the group “Project Team” has been created.

Project Team created.
You are now in Project Team.

Test Case: Add Member to Group

  1. Run the application.
  2. Enter the create Project Team command.
  3. Enter the member John command.
  4. Enter the member Emily command.
  5. Enter the member John command again.
  6. Verify the output messages at each step.

Expected outcome:

Test Case: Add Expense

  1. Run the application.
  2. Enter the create Project Team command.
  3. Enter the member John and member Emily commands.
  4. Add an expense to the “Project Team” group using the expense Dinner /amount 100 /paid John /user Emily command.
  5. Verify the output messages at each step.

Expected outcome: A success message is displayed indicating that the expense “Dinner” has been added to the group with the correct details.

Added new expense with description Dinner and amount SGD 100.00 paid by John. The split is:
Emily : SGD 50.00
John : SGD 50.00

Test Case: Save and Load Group Information

  1. Run the application.
  2. Create a new group named “Family” using the create Family command.
  3. Add members “Alice” and “Bob” to the “Family” group using the member Alice and member Bob commands.
  4. Add an expense to the “Family” group using the expense Dinner /amount 50 /paid Alice /user Bob command.
  5. Exit the “Family” group using the exit Family command.
  6. Exit the application using the bye command.
  7. Run the application again.
  8. Enter the enter Family command.
  9. Verify that the group “Family” is loaded with the members “Alice” and “Bob” and the expense “Dinner” with the correct details.

Expected outcome: